War of the Ring Battle Report #2
4 Armies, 800 points each: Elves and Rohan vs. Mordor and Moria
Objective: Last man Standing
Deployment: 4x6 Battle for the Pass
- All Standard rules apply.
- No terrain features.
- Elves added Elrond for 40 points.
- Chris can build whatever he wants, its his house
Deployment Mordor
Common Formations
- 9 coys of Orcs w/Shields
- 9 coys of Orcs w/2-H
- 2 coys of Orcs w/Bows
- 2 coys of Orcs w/Bows
Legendary Formations
- Dark Marshall on Fellbeast
Epic Heroes
- Gothmog
Deployment Moria
Common Formations
- 5 coys of Goblins w/Shortbows
- 2 coys of Goblins w/Spears
- 1 coy of Goblins w/Spears
- 5 coys of Goblins w/Shields
Rare Formations
- 4 Cave Trolls
Epic Heroes
- Durburz
- WitchKing
Deployment Elven Kingdom
Common Formations
- 6 coys of Wood Elves w/Longbows
- 2 coys of Wood Elves w/Bows
- 3 coys of High Elves w/Bows
Legendary Formations
- Glorfindel
Epic Heroes
- Elrond
Deployment Rohan (Chris)
Common Formations
- 5c of Riders of Rohan
Legendary Formations
- 4c of Grey Company w/ Banner
Epic Heroes
- Erkenbrand
- Legolas
Turn 1
Priority given to the Forces of Good. Elves move slightly to be within Longbow range.
Orcs w/Shields with the Witchking casting Wings of Terror and Strength from Corruption rolling a 6 and then leaves the formation. Orcs on the double and are within 12" of charging.
Shoot phase Orcs lose 4 companies.
Charge is in against the line of Wood Elves and in the fight phase a Herioc Fight was called by Gothmog, Orcs recharge and Elrond calls a Herioc Duel so Gothmog calls Epic Strike. 6c of Elves along with Elrond are decemated.
Turn 2
Priority given to the Forces of Good. Legolas cripples the Fellbeast and Glorfindel cast Light of the Valar. Certain death in all cases but luckily only 2 wounds caused. Glorfindel fails to on the double back. All good formations adjust their arc of fire. The Dark Mashall Swoop attacks thru 3 formations killing 3 and casts Strength from Corruption on Glorfindel and is resisted. The Witchking returns to the Orcs to rescue Gothmog who leaves the Orcs w/Shields to their fate. Goblins and trolls move up.
Shoot phase is concentrated on the Trolls and Orcs. Not a troll falls but some wounds and a company of Orcs.
Charge phase the Riders of Rohan are in and reduce the Orc Shields to one company. Glorfindel fails his charge so Gothmog charges him and gets 4 rolls on the chart but is saved by many ones. One wound only.
Turn 3
Priority taken by the Forces of Good. The Orc horde is Enfeebled by Glorfindel. A Cave Troll is Crippled. The Orcs don't have the Strength to move. Goblins and trolls move into charge range.
Shoot phase no trolls go down.
Charge phase the single company of Orcs is wiped out by Glorfindel and The Riders of Rohan.
The Goblins charge the Wood Elves and lose the fight and The Dark Marshall charges the High Elves wiping out a company.
Turn 4
To sum it up, the forces of Good takes many casualities in the fight phase due to attrition and surrender. The High Elves are destroyed by the Dark Marshall and the Riders of Rohan are left with one company with many Orcs and Goblins left to kill.
Its was a very squishy game and a common theme but its what people like to play, the likes of Elves and lesser men and orcs. This time I tried not to overpower my army with only Gothmog as an Epic Hero and no Morannon Orcs. I also gave them Elrond because I reiterated, "I don't not fear the Elves." But Glorfindel is quite deadly indeed with all his banes and Spells of Command. I was really impressed by him.
Friday, 2 September 2011
Making Terrain - Lombardy Poplar Trees #4 Finish
The final hurrah. I applied sand to the base and base coated the bark and the ground a Dark Brown house paint. I'm using DecoArt paints for terrain because its a buck. Then I wet brushed the bark Maple brown and dry brushed the ground Chocolate Brown. Then I highlighted everything with Tan. I got the miniature hedge trimmers to clean up the ends of the foilage and applied a Battlefield Grass mix from Army Painter. All done. I'm happy with this little project and can't wait to pump out a forest of them. Awesome!
Friday, 26 August 2011
Making Terrain - Lombardy Poplar Trees #3
I needed to buy some turf and foilage to cover the tree but the store was open during a period where overtime was available at work. I finally got some (decided to not work OT). I used Woodland Scenics Course Turf and Light Foilage in Light Green. I had to rip up the foilage into strains and put the Course Turf into a plastic bag and mixed it up. Then I 'Shake and Baked' the tree as planned (I really wanted to do this way). The half mixture of glue was not working too well so I went full strength. It needs to dry then I'll seal it with 1/8 Mix of glue.
Impressions. I can't really notice the foilage and I'm wondering if that was not a good idea. Maybe instead the fine turf would of been better for coverage. I was also thinking once its all dry I can spruce up the tree by cutting all the uncovered limbs. That's all for now. (I got other WIP but I want to finish this tree)
Impressions. I can't really notice the foilage and I'm wondering if that was not a good idea. Maybe instead the fine turf would of been better for coverage. I was also thinking once its all dry I can spruce up the tree by cutting all the uncovered limbs. That's all for now. (I got other WIP but I want to finish this tree)
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Making Terrain - Lombardy Poplar Trees #2
Back to work. I crazy glued the tree and bases together. I was thinking of doing roots but I believe these were grown because they didn't show roots naturally so I skipped that part. Next was the trunk. I grabbed what I had for tape which was Black Electrical Tape and wound around till I was about 3/8" thick. Some gaps in the bottom and top had to be filled. I had a left over drum of Redi-Filler which is used to patch drywall so why not give it a try. I slopped it on like Demi Moore in Ghost and set it to dry. I'll have to wait till tomorrow to determine what to do next.
Note to self. Maybe next tree I can use a glue gun instead of Crazy Glue.
Note to self. Maybe next tree I can use a glue gun instead of Crazy Glue.
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Making Terrain - Lombardy Poplar Trees #1
So I've been wanting to make some trees out of an artificial Christmas Tree and I finally found one out on the street... sweet. After looking at the shape of the stems I've decided to make 'The Lombardy Poplar' seen mostly in Britain and Ireland. It's height ranges 66' to 98 so to make it to scale (1" = 6') they need to measure 11" to 16". Also its truck diameter is 5' so thats rought 7/8" for the truck. Wow thats thick. Unfortunately the longest stems I have measure 9" so that will have to do. To go with the shorter tree and I'll reduce the truck size to 1/2". I'll get back to the taller trees with the branches from the top of the Christmas tree... they're really long.
After fiddling around, the base I'm using is a Poker Chip followed by a Fender Washer. Reason being once I thread the tree thru the poker chip its not going to be sitting flush on the table so the Washer will sit below leaving room for the stem.
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Batrep #1 Dwarves vs. Isengard
War of the Ring Battle Report #1
800 points Dwarves vs Isengard
Objective: Last man Standing
Deployment: 4x6 Battle for the Pass
Priority: Dwarves
- No Epics or Legendaries
- Large Hill elevated Terrain, WYSIWYG
- Small Building Capacity 2 Defense 3
- Large Building Capacity 3 Defense 3
Deployment Isengard
Common Formations
Common Formations
- 3 coys of Orcs w/ 2-H
- 2 coys of Orcs w/Bows
- 2 coys of Orcs w/Bows
- 6 coys of Morannan Orcs w/Shields, Banner, Drummer (Allied) (Proxy Orcs w/Shields)
Rare Formations
- 1 coy of Isengard Ballista (home-made proxy)
- 1 coy of Isengard Ballista (home-made proxy)
- Isengard Troll Chieftain (proxy Mordor Troll)
- Isengard Troll Chieftain (proxy Mordor Troll)
Deployment Dwarves(estimate)
Common Formations
Common Formations
- 2 coys of Dwarf Rangers w/Bows and Captain
- 2 coys of Dwarf Rangers w/Bows and Captain
- 2 coys of Dwarf Rangers w/Bows and Captain
- 1 coy of Dwarf Rangers w/Bows
- 1 coy of Dwarf Rangers
- 1 coy of Dwarf Rangers
- 1 coy of Dwarf Rangers
- 1 coy of Dwarf Rangers
Rare Formations
- 4 coys of Khazad Guard with Captain
- Great Eagle
Points wise was well over 800, an oversight. Good decides to split its Rangers into 1 coy formations on the front left and right. This was his first WoTR match and the reason for captains only to make it simpler to understand the basics.
Turn 1
Dwarves move up and on the double. The Great Eagle hides behind the large building to hide from Ballista's ready to pounce. Isengard move up. A ballista enters the small building. No shooting.
Turn 2
Isengard given priority. Ballista outside moves 3" to fire and the rest of the formations move up with the Troll Chieftains in position to counter-charge the Great Eagle.
Dwarves move forward and the Rangers at half movement to fire their bows. The Great Eagle stays put after realizing it cannot Swoop Attack and charge.
Shoot phase all Ballista's miss. Dwarf Rangers pick-off a couple of Morannan Orcs.
Turn 3
Isengard given priority. Orcs w/2-H line up to take on the Khazad guard and Morannon Orcs move up on the hill to see a sea of Dwarf Rangers. The Great Eagle swoops over the small building and troll but after he learns he cannot charge thereafter he takes back his move.
All Dwarves move forward and prepare their lines for a charge. The Khazad Guard on the double with a might point needed to line up.
Ballista fire rains death on the Khazad Guard killing 11. Dwarf Rangers return fire on the Morannon
A Herioc Charge is called and 4 coys of Rangers are in. All for not while the Morannon lose 10 and Rangers lose 21 including 2 formations.
Turn 4 Start
Dwarf Rangers move in. All formations are re-ordered.
Turn 4 - Move Phase
Priority given to Dwarves. The Khazad Guard move to within 1" of the 2-H Orcs and the Giant Eagle is right behind. All the Rangers move enough to shoot.
Isengard is wary of the Giant Eagle and that it strikes first so a Troll Chieftain backs up to 1" outside charge range.
Shoot phase the Rangers manage to miss all their shots. The Ballista's both miss.
Turn 4 - Charge Phase
Khazad and Rangers are in contact with their nearest Orcs. The Great Eagle attempts to charge the Troll rolling a 6 and adding one might. A terror test is taken and failed. Might is restored due to out of order charge.
Khazad win 16:7 but evil fears not for the loss of a couple of cheap Orcs with the Khazad Guard left with 11 models. The Morannan once again destroy companies of Dwarf Rangers with ease. Single companies=bad idea. He was a new player and warned of such so its a lesson learned.
Turn 5
Priority won by the Dwarves. All Dwarves are re-ordered. The Great Eagle swoops over the Ballista (1 hit) on the ground and continues its flight over the Troll Chieftain (0 hits) and Orcs w/Bows (2 hits). Dwarves move in.
2-H Orcs are re-ordered. The Trolls move to within Charge and Throwing range. Depleted Orc Bows about face and move half a half and the other Orc Bows range in on the Khazad Guard.
Shoot phase the Dwarf Rangers down a Ballista and a company of Morannon Orcs. Isengard responds with a couple boulder kills leaving the Khazad Guard with one full company. All others miss.
Herioc actions are declared in the charge phase and a roll-off insues. The Dwarves win but the Khazad rolled a 1 with no might left. The Troll Chieftain goes next and needs a 4 and gets it on the Khazad's flank. The Dwarf Rangers continue their charge forward. The second Chieftain needs a 3 and gets in on the Khazad Guard along with the 2-H Orcs.
The Khazad are torn apart by the two Troll Chieftains and The Dwarf Rangers are wiped.
Turn 6 - Eagle Start
Turn 6
Priority is given to the Dwarves. The Great Eagle moves to the Orcs flank and the Rangers in fear stay back to fire their bows.
The two Troll Chieftains on the double to attack the hapless Dwarves and the Morannan advance. All Orc bows turn and face the great Eagle.
The end is near. Dwarves do little damage shooting and the Great Eagle gains 3 wounds. In the Fight phase the Trolls smash the Rangers into nothing. The Great Eagle destroys the formation of Orc Bowmen.
Turn 7
Priority is won by Isengard. The Trolls on the double back to protect the ballista and the Morannon Orcs continue forward to finish off what's left of the Rangers.
As a last effort the Great Eagle swooped attacked the Ballista and a Chieftain for no damage. At that point the game was forfeited. GG Gordon.
Victory Isengard!!!
Here is whats left.
3 coys of Morannon Orcs w/Shields
1 coy of Orcs w/2-H
2 coys of Orcs w/Bows
1 Isengard Ballista
2 Isengard Troll Chieftains
560 points out of 800 left. Not too shabby but its against a new player.
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Its a blog... now what do I do?
Hello all. Welcome to WOTR in a parched land. I will be posting battle reports and army lists I've tried. I mainly play in small point games so if you are looking for huge battles you won't find it here. Also a few terrain pieces I've built. I live in Langley, BC, Canada where War of the Ring is truly parched. Enjoy!
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