4 Armies, 800 points each: Elves and Rohan vs. Mordor and Moria
Objective: Last man Standing
Deployment: 4x6 Battle for the Pass
- All Standard rules apply.
- No terrain features.
- Elves added Elrond for 40 points.
- Chris can build whatever he wants, its his house
Deployment Mordor
Common Formations
- 9 coys of Orcs w/Shields
- 9 coys of Orcs w/2-H
- 2 coys of Orcs w/Bows
- 2 coys of Orcs w/Bows
Legendary Formations
- Dark Marshall on Fellbeast
Epic Heroes
- Gothmog
Deployment Moria
Common Formations
- 5 coys of Goblins w/Shortbows
- 2 coys of Goblins w/Spears
- 1 coy of Goblins w/Spears
- 5 coys of Goblins w/Shields
Rare Formations
- 4 Cave Trolls
Epic Heroes
- Durburz
- WitchKing
Deployment Elven Kingdom
Common Formations
- 6 coys of Wood Elves w/Longbows
- 2 coys of Wood Elves w/Bows
- 3 coys of High Elves w/Bows
Legendary Formations
- Glorfindel
Epic Heroes
- Elrond
Deployment Rohan (Chris)
Common Formations
- 5c of Riders of Rohan
Legendary Formations
- 4c of Grey Company w/ Banner
Epic Heroes
- Erkenbrand
- Legolas
Turn 1
Priority given to the Forces of Good. Elves move slightly to be within Longbow range.
Orcs w/Shields with the Witchking casting Wings of Terror and Strength from Corruption rolling a 6 and then leaves the formation. Orcs on the double and are within 12" of charging.
Charge is in against the line of Wood Elves and in the fight phase a Herioc Fight was called by Gothmog, Orcs recharge and Elrond calls a Herioc Duel so Gothmog calls Epic Strike. 6c of Elves along with Elrond are decemated.
Turn 2
Shoot phase is concentrated on the Trolls and Orcs. Not a troll falls but some wounds and a company of Orcs.
Charge phase the Riders of Rohan are in and reduce the Orc Shields to one company. Glorfindel fails his charge so Gothmog charges him and gets 4 rolls on the chart but is saved by many ones. One wound only.
Turn 3
Priority taken by the Forces of Good. The Orc horde is Enfeebled by Glorfindel. A Cave Troll is Crippled. The Orcs don't have the Strength to move. Goblins and trolls move into charge range.
Shoot phase no trolls go down.
Charge phase the single company of Orcs is wiped out by Glorfindel and The Riders of Rohan.
The Goblins charge the Wood Elves and lose the fight and The Dark Marshall charges the High Elves wiping out a company.
Turn 4
To sum it up, the forces of Good takes many casualities in the fight phase due to attrition and surrender. The High Elves are destroyed by the Dark Marshall and the Riders of Rohan are left with one company with many Orcs and Goblins left to kill.
Its was a very squishy game and a common theme but its what people like to play, the likes of Elves and lesser men and orcs. This time I tried not to overpower my army with only Gothmog as an Epic Hero and no Morannon Orcs. I also gave them Elrond because I reiterated, "I don't not fear the Elves." But Glorfindel is quite deadly indeed with all his banes and Spells of Command. I was really impressed by him.